$50 Off* Bed Bug Treatments in Your Home

Don’t let the bed bugs bite. Take advantage of this offer today. Get started with an inspection!
(502) 690-4625

*$50 off bed bug treatments. New residential customers only. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Excludes K9 services. Please call for an estimate. Offer expires 12/31/24.

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to detect and can be challenging to remove. When you think you have bed bugs, you need a trained eye to identify them as well as an experienced technician to take care of them. At OPC Pest Services, you get both. we will work with you on everything from preparing for your bed bug treatment to the actual treatment day. You can trust that we won’t quit until the bed bugs are taken care of.
  • Can we difficult to identify
  • Are a challenge to remove
  • Both are possible at OPC

Consider bed bugs controlled.

(502) 690-4625