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Are All Seasons Spider Season?

It may seem like spiders never go out of season. The fact is, they have become pretty creative with their survival skills throughout the years. While they thrive in the warmer months, some are actually able to adapt to the colder weather in our area, so the sentiment is true.


Picture of House Spider on Web

All pests are pretty active in the summer. Even though the weather is warm, spiders will still come into your house during this time. Mostly, they are looking for food. We aren’t talking about potato salad at the BBQ. We mean other insects. House spiders will especially feed on flies and mosquitoes, but they will also feed on other spiders. So, one of the keys to keeping spiders out of your house in the first place is to minimize their food source. Routine, scheduled pest control can help keep insects outside where they belong.


Spiders are much more noticeable in the fall. That doesn’t mean there are more of them. It’s really about the fact that since some spiders lay eggs in the spring, they have had a few months to grow up – and grow bigger. Fall is also spider mating season, so not only will you see more of them because they are looking for a mate, but they are be looking for a safe place to lay their eggs and kick up all 8 of their feet in the colder months. As all the spiders that didn’t lay eggs in the spring, lay their eggs in late fall, they will be doing much the same as they do in the winter – looking for a warm place to lay them.

We now know what spiders do and where they go throughout the seasons. Are you wondering how long spiders live? Unfortunately, it ranges from 1 to 25 years depending on the species. And if you think you’ll get a different answer to how long do house spiders live…sorry. It’s the same ridiculously long range.


house spider in a sink near the drain

Where do spiders go in the winter?

Different spider species cope with winter in different ways. Some spiders produce and start to store something called glycol compounds in their bloodstream. These compounds function very similarly to the antifreeze in your car. Nature is amazing, isn’t it? They also know spider eggs can’t survive freezing weather, so as they lay their eggs in the fall, they find places that are as insulated and warm as possible. They also thickly wrap the spider egg sac in webbing to keep them as warm as possible but the best thing they can do is lay the eggs in your house. If you’re wondering where spiders lay eggs in houses, think basements, corners, and behind pipes. If you’re also wondering how do spiders get into your house, know that every crack and crevice is a big welcome sign.


Along with showers and flowers, spring also brings with it a fresh group of spiders trying to get into your home. As the weather gets warmer and the grounds begin to thaw, the female spiders that hid throughout the winter start to emerge and lay their eggs for the upcoming season. A typical female spider lays about 100 eggs, but in some extreme instances, a single female spider can lay as many as 2,500 eggs! We would hate to get that call. Spring is a time of rebirth and spiders are no different. So, the answer to do spiders hibernate isn’t really a resounding yes or no. While you may see less of them in the winter and more in the spring, that doesn’t mean they have completely gone away. And since we know spiders don’t need a big entryway to get into your home, make sure your screens are free from tears and seal as many cracks as possible. That helps keep away many pests – not just spiders trying to get into the house.

Now that we know the answers to when do spiders lay eggs, where do spiders go in the winter, and how do spiders get into your house, you may be wondering when do spiders mate. While many lay eggs in the fall, that’s a species-specific thing. The answer should really be all year round. That’s also the answer to the question, When do spiders start coming into the house? All. Year. Long. Some people welcome them as a sign of good luck or as a help to keep other pests under control. Some people are super freaked out by them. They are certainly a polarizing pest. But, the more you know about them, the more you know how to deal with them.

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